A Book Trailer + Cover Reveal, a Ramen Burrito, & a Kind Text
It’s funny how delights hit us. The impact might feel like the faint brushing from a feather one moment. The dropping of an Acme-labeled anvil the next. Other times, oftentimes, they are clouded behind thick mist where we can only see their outline. And, barely that. Or not even that because the delights are completely hidden, only slowly emerging the closer we come. Then again, they might rush at us until we whack right into them. I always love when that happens. That delightful surprise felt during the collision. But regardless of how delights reveal themselves, it takes trust on our part to keep searching when blinded by the fog. Takes intention. For sure, conviction.
For today’s Dopamine’s Delight, I share a book trailer and cover, a ramen burrito (Yep. You read that right), and a kind text.
A Book Trailer & Cover Reveal
Writers of the Future Volume 40 Book Trailer
Did that trailer catch your attention? Does mine. But I got skin in this trailer game. How? Why? My story, "Squiddy," is in here. Yep! I’m beyond thrilled to tell you I’m a winner of the Writers of the Future contest. Dang! I love writing that! How I won this contest that means so much to me. See. I’ve been entering it for years, always sending the contest my best stories. And now, “Squiddy,” one of my favorite short stories, has won. So what does that mean? First “Squiddy” will appear in Writers of the Future Volume 40. It’s one of fifteen short stories included. But that’s not all. Besides publishing the story, they’re flying me out to Hollywood this April for a week-long, writing workshop, taught by genre-greats of speculative fiction. And then there’s an award gala. And then there’s that intangible of what winning this contest has done to my self-belief. Oh & let's pause a moment to admire the cover:
It’s stunning! It’s gorgeous! It was painted by Dan dos Santos. Want to know something also cool? S.M. Sterling used this illustration as a prompt for a story he wrote that’s included in the anthology. Oh. You like to listen to your stories. Cool beans. Along with ebook and paperback, the anthology will be in audio. I love that!
The release date of Writers of the Future, Vol 40 is May 7th, 2024. But it’s available for pre-order now. Click here. Did you know pre-ordering books makes a big impact? Reviews do, too. That’s because the powerful, viewed often as mystical, algorithms of Google, Amazon, and Co., heavily weigh those two variables in their search engines. But making this writer smile by preordering the anthology is beside the point, the point being your smile. It’s such a great anthology, in large part, because the contest casts a wide net, reading over ten thousand submissions each year. What’s published in here is the cream of the slush-pile crop and widely vary in style, theme, and their precise placement along the speculative fiction spectrum. I’m honored to have a story among them.
So what’s “Squiddy” about? When squids from outer space take over, a punk-rock P.I. must crawl out of her own miserable existence to find her client’s daughter—and maybe a way out. Read if she does find her way out on May 7th, 2024. I'd be most grateful if you do.
A Ramen Burrito
Delights come in varied forms. Sometimes the best tastes the most scrumptious. The above picture gets at that. But besides the comforting taste and texture, making a ramen burrito is quick, cheap, and easy. My one cooking tip is to wait to sprinkle on the seasoning until after you cook the ramen. And be mindful of how much you sprinkle—I typically use a third or less of the packet—because when not diluted in water, that seasoning packs a powerful flavorful punch. Is it healthy? Muahahahahah! I mean, not particularly. Tasty? Uh-huh. Extremely.
A Kind Text
My wife rocks! So yay for facts that aren’t earth-shattering to anyone who knows her. But earlier this week, my phone pinged, and my heart swelled after reading the text my wife sent me.
My birthday is Saturday (not Friday). I’m turning 41. I know! I grow up so fast! And now I have plans all-day Friday that’ll bleed into Saturday. Two days for one birthday is a big celebration. You better believe Dune 2 will be part of it. And probably Indian food. Perhaps, Thai or sushi. Don’t know. We’ll see where the cravings take us. And beer. I like beer perhaps as much as this zombie kid likes turtles.
Best of all, I’m gonna have the most lovely companions to celebrate with: my wife and kiddo. Damn, I’m stoked, which is partly why I’m sharing this delight. But there’s more that makes up its contours. See. When my phone chimed to announce this text, I was feeling down and blue. Afterwards? Not as much.
It’s a powerful act, letting someone know you care about them. And often, it doesn’t take much time or effort. A simple text will do. Email? Sure. Phone call? Even better. So if you got a quick second, go tell someone you love you appreciate them. What might be quick for you could mean the world to them as this text meant and means to me.
Until next Dopamine’s Delight….